House of Universes
Below is presented the full list of universes that my stories live in. Some of these have completed stories, some only have some in active development, and yet others have tales waiting within them that I have not had the chance yet to bring to life. The universes themselves are below, but if you wish to know more about how universes operate in Grand Reality, then reference the page for that (when it exists, of course).
Oh, and one more note. The universes are in order based on when I visited them, and so naturally my Home Universe--this universe--is the first. This does not mean that the Universe of Gen was the second universe I ever visited, though--just that it was the second of those listed.
Universes Where Live the Stories
- Our Home Universe (no page yet)
- The Universe of Gen
- The Crafted Universe
- The Universe of Essences
- The Universe of Elrys
- The Colorful Universe (no page yet)
- The Timebent Universe (no page yet)
- The Universe of Chance (no page yet)