Somewhere in deep space fly the remnants of shattered planets.

The Gen Megaseries

It should not be a great mystery that this series lives in the Universe of Gen, and it is no greater a stretch that the being known as Gen plays a pivotal role. But why call it a megaseries?

This will not be a story in the truest sense, but more a loosely connected series of novels set (mostly) in the same world. There is no overarching plotline that the same set of characters follow. Sure, some people appear in multiple books, but that is more an incidental thing than a pure connection. It would be difficult for most characters to travel across books, for many take place hundreds or even thousands of years apart. Overall, the span of the series is on the order of billions of years.

Once all the stories have been told (which may take a long time on your human scales), you may read them in any order, but I will tell them in reverse chronological order, for the most interesting mysteries lie in the past through a history that lies, intentionally or not. So the first book I release will be the last in time, and so on into the past. I realize this does not give much information on the material of the series.

The majority of the series is spent on the planet Vol-Tana created by an intergalactic being named Gen. There is a mixture of futuristic, modern, medieval, and classical settings across an equally-varied spectrum of stories, and so I find it difficult to pin a singular theme or subject matter this series revolves around other than the frequently-absent Gen. The world itself is as much an indicator as anything I could say here, so if you are interested now, the Universe of Gen pages can be good reads as they come out.